International Journal of English Literature and Culture

International Journal of English Literature and Culture

Vol. 11(1), pp. 1-5, January 2023

 ISSN: 2360-7831




Youth Culture and literature: Understanding Everyday life of Cosmopolitan Women


1Jubinarosa. S.S and 2Dr. Rabindranath Sarma


1PhD Research Scholar, Department of Tribal Studies, School for the Study of Culture, Central University of Jharkhand, India, Mob:8281852197. Email ID:

2Associate Professor, Department of Tribal Studies, Central University of Jharkhand, India. Cheri-Manatu, Ranchi-835222, Jharkhand

Accepted 14 December 2022



Consumer research is a vital maturing field of inquiry in the present academic circle. It can generate and sustain multiple theoretical conversations. This type of study can be energizing, thought provoking and inspiring for the budding scholars from every nook and corner of the world. It also provides an intellectual ground for theoretical innovations and advancements. Thinking across the boundaries, all realms of research have been re-constructed as a single entity called Interdisciplinarity which is always observed as a solution for all sorts of specializations. Being a twentieth century philosophical approach, it aims at the awakening of neglected schools of thought like Cultural Studies. In addressing a new dilemma of the academics, traditional disciplines may often fail or show their inadequacy. No discipline can at any point of time evaluate and analyze technology of the twenty first century except various theories and formulations of Cultural Studies clubbing scientific notions with social and cultural anthropological dimensions. Cultural Studies are interested in lifestyles because lifestyle is about day to day life. Lifestyle helps people to define identity. And it also influences social relations and bestows meaning and value to artifacts in a culture. Consumption now turned as a marker of identity. Commodities are signs of Empire and lifestyle also turned to be as a way of becoming empire. Consumption begins before the actual act of shopping. It begins with the consumption of the signs of the commodity. The notion of life style indicates individuality and self-expression. Life style connotes self-consciousness and it enables people to enjoy different levels of consumption. This paper entitled “Youth Culture and Literature: Understanding Everyday Life of Cosmopolitan Women” discusses different aspects of cosmopolitanism by focusing certain genres of fiction.


Keywords: Cosmopolitanism, Consumer culture, Identity, Life style  


Cite This Article As: Jubinarosa, S.S., Sarma, R. (2023). Youth Culture and literature: Understanding Everyday life of Cosmopolitan Women. Inter. J. Eng. Lit. Cult. 11(1): 1-5